Emergency Closings

The closing policy for the library is as follows:

No fines will be assessed for library materials due on a day the library is closed, closes early or has a delayed opening.

If the schools are on a delayed opening, the library is on the same delay.

If school is closed, the library is on a 2-hour delay. The decision to open the library or remain closed is made by 10AM.

The library may close early during the day or evening when the weather is inclement.
A message will be on our phone system at 845-477-8377 and on our web site at www.gwllibrary.org which will indicate a delayed opening or closing.

All library programs that are scheduled during the hours of a library delayed opening or closing are cancelled.
All community groups’ or individuals’ programs or events scheduled in the Library Program Room, YA Room or Tutoring Room during the hours of a library delayed opening or closing are cancelled.

We are concerned for everyone’s safety. If you are unsure of the weather, please call us at 477-8377 before leaving your home.