Local History

Phone: (845) 477-8377
Local History Resources Available at Your Library

Greenwood Lake Public Library Digitized Local History Links
Scrapbooks and Obituaries
Local Newspaper, Newsletters, and Library Newsletters

Greenwood Lake Public Library History & Genealogy Databases
Online DatabasesAvailable at the library to all users and at home to Greenwood Lake cardholders (you need your library card barcode, which is on the back of your card, to log in at home).

General Local History Links
NY Heritage
New York Heritage is a research portal for students, educators, historians, genealogists, and anyone else who is interested in learning more about the people, places and institutions of New York State. The site provides free access to more than 170 distinct digital collections, totaling hundreds of thousands of items. The collections in New York Heritage represent a broad range of historical, scholarly, and cultural materials held in libraries, museums, and archives throughout the state. Collection items include photographs, letters, diaries, directories, maps, newspapers, books, and more.
NY State Military Museum
The mission of the museum and research center is to preserve, interpret and disseminate the story, history and records of New York State’s military forces and veterans.
NY State Military Museum and Veterans Research Center
World War II Honor List – New York – US Army & US Army Air Force – Dead and Missing – US Navy, US Marine Corps and US Coast Guard – Dead, Missing, POW and Wounded
Hudson River Valley Heritage
Explore materials from libraries and cultural heritage institutions that document the rich history of New York’s Hudson River Valley. Discover photographs, diaries, correspondence, artwork, publications, oral history interviews, and more that contribute to the story of the people, places, and events that make this region exceptional.

Local History Digitization Project Thanks

We would like to offer our special thanks regarding the Library’s Local History Digitization Project to:

Wilbur Christman and the Christman Family for enriching the lives of the Greenwood Lake Community and the world at large by their wonderful and generous donation of local history documents, scrapbooks and books. We would also like to thank them for allowing the Library to copy the original books so that we could make them available to library patrons.
Ann & Len Chaimowitz, the owners of the Greenwood Lake & West Milford News, who graciously gave the Library permission to upload the newspapers to our web site in a digitized format so that library patrons may access it from not only a library computer, but from the comfort of their own homes on their personal computers.
Mr. & Mrs. Chaimowitz also generously donated bound copies of the newspaper for use in our Adult Reference area.
Ron Nowak, the editor of the Greenwood Lake & West Milford News, whose contributions to the newspaper throughout the years have provided us with a rich history of the many facets of Greenwood Lake’s past.
Stephen M. Gross, who, as a professional free-lance journalist for the Greenwood Lake & West Milford News, gave us permission to upload his many local history articles and images, which so often appeared in the newspaper. Mr. Gross is well-known as the “go to guy” for all things Greenwood Lake and has often lectured at the Library on Greenwood Lake’s and Warwick’s history.
The Cox Family, for kindly permitting the Library to use the donations made in memory of their parents, Everett and Viola Cox, to digitize and upload the Greenwood Lake & West Milford News to our web site. Everett and Viola Cox will always be remembered as staunch supporters of the Library throughout their lives.
Sue Gardner, Reference and Local History Librarian at the Albert Wisner Public Library in Warwick, for her constant help, support and generosity in sharing her expertise and resources with us. We would also like to thank the Albert Wisner Public Library in Warwick for also generously shareing local history resources.
The Taxpayers of the Greenwood Lake Union Free School District, who have continuosly supported our ongoing Local History Digitization Project through their individual donations and annual taxes.


All images and documents on these pages are copyrighted material. The fact that the Greenwood Lake Public Library has been given permission for this material to be uploaded to this web site does not imply that anyone else has permission to print, reproduce or use any of this material and/or images for publication or monetary profit.
For use of any written material and/or historical images with a byline by Stephen M. Gross, please e-mail him at highlands144@gmail.com to discuss use and to obtain his permission.
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